Now, the following applies to anyone who eats a huge meal without
thinking about it.

Just don’t forget a few things guys:

1. Drink a glass of water before you splurge. Trust me, this will
regular how much you binge eat.

2. Take a walk sometime after you eat. It will definitely help
your digestion

3. Make sure you eat slow and ENJOY! This regulates how you feel
fullness. It also helps you from gaining excessive weight.

These are my tips to keep in mind…. because I myself am quite
a binge eater – in the past and even today!

Ciao and seeya soon!


Prolapsed and external hemorrhoids

A prolapsed hemorrhoid is where an internal hemorrhoid extends outside the anus and becomes more inflamed and has increased swelling. Normally, this type of hemorrhoid can be gently pushed back up inside the anus but if not done soon enough, it can swell to the point where it develops into a serious condition called an entrapped hemorrhoid. This condition can be both serious and very painful as the hemorrhoid is now trapped outside the anus and no longer receives any blood supply. If this condition persists, the hemorrhoid will die and become infected making it possible for the infection
to spread throughout the body and can make the hemorrhoid sufferer very ill. If this condition develops, it is time to see a doctor right away.

An external hemorrhoid is where the veins that run outside the anus become inflamed and swollen. These hemorrhoids can be felt as a lump and are the type that are normally associated with pain, burning, and itching. This type of hemorrhoid will also cause bleeding and if left untreated can develop into what is called thrombosed hemorrhoid where a blood clot is formed. Once the hemorrhoid clots, the pressure will increase and the pain can become severe. As with the case of an entrapped hemorrhoid, a thrombosed hemorrhoid will also require you to see your doctor so the blood clot can be cut away and the pressure relieved.

Complications and common causes of hemorrhoids

Below shows some  complications and common causes of hemorrhoids


  1. Heavy bleeding due to ruptured piles.
  2. Anaemia due ti prolonged bleeding.
  3. Infection of ruptured piles.
  4. Prolapsed piles (hemorrhoids protruding from the anus).

Common causes:

  1. Increased pressure on the anal and rectal veins due to persistent constipation and straining when passing stool.
  2. Pregnancy, portal hypertension.

What you need to know about hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids or piles are varicose (swollen) veins in the anal canal. piles bleed particularly when passing stools. piles are painful when associated with tissues or are prolapsed and thrombosed. rectal bleeding may be a symptom of serious disorders, such as cancer of the colon and rectum.


  1. Rectal bleeding (bright red blood) after passing hard stools.
  2. Soft lump or cluster of lumps felt around the anus (prolapsed piles).
  3. Slimy (mucus) discharge from the anus, in some cases.
  4. Anal itch, in some cases.

Conclusion of this disease is very dangerous if not treated immediately. it will create a bigger problem..

So, our recommendation :

( Hemorrhoids Treatment )
